“As we Americans celebrate our diversity, so we must affirm our unity if we are to remain the ‘one nation’ to which we pledge allegiance. Such great national symbols and meccas as the Liberty Bell, the battlefields on which our independence was won and our union preserved, the Lincoln Memorial, the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and numerous other treasures of our national park system belong to all of us, both legally and spiritually. These tangible evidences of our cultural and natural heritage help make us all Americans.” ~ Edwin C. Bearss, NPS Chief Historian, 1981-1994
Mr. Bearss reminds us of the many places we as Americans take for granted. He helped and continues to help bring our history and treasures to life.
Tangible America is a personal project to capture my exploration of the beauty, history, and hidden treasures within the United States. Its initial focus will be on the over 400 sites (e.g., parks, battlefields, historical sites) overseen by the National Park Service. As I move through this journey, I will include other interesting finds along the way. I want this highlight what the United States provides us, what we often overlook, and what if we aren’t careful could be forgotten. With each visit I am going to highlight through photography and data visualizations an aspect about the location. The aspect highlighted will be based on what resonated with me during the visit. It might be based on an overall fact or might be a small random piece of information or it might be a personal connection. That is part of the fun.
So saddle up, fill up the gas tank, and let’s begin this journey.